Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Modest clothing rant

Putting someone else's needs ahead of your own is a good and kind thing to do. It is also a good idea to think about the actions we take, however small they seem to us, and consider how they effect the human beings around us. For example, ordering a beer when you are out to dinner with a friend who just got back from an AA meeting would be frowned upon for good reason.

That said, there is an unhealthy train of thought held by certain groups of people that says girls and women are responsible for the thoughts of boys and men based on what they wear. This is ridiculous.

First of all, in the evangelical world, this is just another thing that makes Christians look like evil jerks. It is exactly what rape culture tells girls and women.

It embarrasses them.

Secondly, it tells men that they are nothing but animals who can't control their own impulses so they don't need to try.

Lastly, it's completely arbitrary.

You want to tell me that women wearing leggings make men have overwhelming sexual urges, but it’s okay for the very same women to wear a typical one piece swimsuit on the beach? 

Nope. I’m not convinced.

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