Wednesday, December 30, 2020

ADHD brain

We're almost a year deep into this crazy thing called Covid-19. This will definitely be a year to remember. I personally am still trying to figure out how to make my brain actually make a plan for the day. Now that I'm working from home and/or the church only about 20 hours a week, I have a ton of time to get my house in the order. You know, the one that I swore to myself that if I just could have a week at home, I could figure this out and get it clean and organized? Well, we are going on 10 months of being at home and I still don't have it together. 

It's my ADHD brain that is my problem. And yet, deep down I also know that my weird brain can be one of my greatest strengths. When I really get into a project, it turns out amazing, as long as it's something that can be finished within a fairly short amount of time. The question is, "How do I wield my brain of power for good?" 

Somehow I need to make my house my newest project. Then I will break it down into smaller projects and go from there. It needs to be fun. It needs to be a challenge. And I need to actually FINISH IT! (Because I have this tendency to do 90% of a project and then quit.) This year (2021) might be just what I need to get somewhere with it because we are planning to have a Jorgenson family reunion at my house this summer.

Jesus, help me. 

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